Corting Gis

Where reality becomes GIS

Gis more than maps

Gis IS the real Word

Last works

World Population with D3.Js

D3.Js is other Framework that allow create maps, while at the same time it gives to us control over all the objects that we going to draw in SVG. Here you can find a simple but entire example of a D3.JS map.

Web Mapping & Charting

With Leaflet and D3JS APIs is possible to make a lot of interactive web maps with associated charts and dynamic information. This maps are very usefullies by represent cleary and easy information, for example

Geolocation: App

Geolocation is an application that I’ve carried out by ESRI JavaScript API. This app has a huge potential in real time geolocation as in study and monitoring. The app can be used for different fields like security, environment and free time among others

Who am I?


I have always enjoyed achieving goals as well as being able to acquire all kindsof different knowledges, that’s the reason why I decided to study Environmental Sciences Degree. Thanks to my degree, I started to get familiar with Geographic Information Systems field, something that captivated me because of its great versatility. After finishing university, I found another exciting area: programming, which makes possible anything you want to create by simply using two tools; a computer and oneself’s imagination. So at the present time I join my two passions together: GIS and programming, employing the latter with the purpose of solving numeorus problems of environmental, geographic, social and business nature, among others.

Meet me


Gis Layer
  • ArcGis for Desktop
  • Qgis
  • SQL sever & Enterprise GDB
  • PostgreSQL & PostGis
  • ArcGis for Server
  • Geoserver
  • Web App Builder
  • Api JavaScript Arcgis
  • Leaflet
  • development
  • Phyton
  • HTML5
  • JavaScript
  • JQuery
  • CSS3
  • Bootstrap
  • PHP
  • D3JS
  • Our Clients
  • Photoshop
  • Lightroom
  • Sony Vegas
  • Experience

    apps make

    Apps and Widgets Development

    Web Apps development through ArcGIS API for JavaScript. Creation and implementation of Widgets for Web App Builder

    apps make

    D.I.A. in Geoprocessing

    Development Implementation and Automation Geoprocessing or procedures for ArcGis by means of Python code

    apps make


    Advising with regards to implementation and upgrade your GIS system. Use of Web applications for a better development of GIS environment


    Some of my projects, either already done or underway

    • EEA’s European Environment and Health Atlas presents information on how pollution and other environmental risks affect the health and well-being of Europeans. You can view inequalities in the distribution of environmental risks to health across Europe and check the quality of the environment where you live, work and play.

      EEA’s European Environment and Health Atlas

      Presents information on how pollution affect the health of Europeans.

    • By using ESRI technology and a versioning multiuser Enterprise GDB, I created two Web Apps with the purpose of using and analyzing the gathered data without Arcgis Desktop. The APP allows a full control about infrastructure damages and fire watch towers. Also, the APP allows the comunication between users and the park manager. It has distintive functionalities like path calculation between two points, where the path  is inexistent and the app creates it. Altought the project is based on ESRI tecnology, it can be developed over OpenSource. (For more information contact me)

      Geopark: Natural Park Management

      Management Natural Park by ESRI technology

    • Script developed by Python code and Arcpy package. It calculates the urban watershed and returns in the process end the urban watershed of each drain (sewers or gutters).
								Thanks to this script you can get the risk bearing flood areas and calculate  the places where the number of drains could be widened, among other utilities. Explanatory video in my YouTube  channel

      Urban watershed calculate

      Programming at the user's service

    • The Web-Map shows drinking fountains in Madrid's districts; the map is mades with CARTO platform

      Madrid's drinking fountains

      The Web-Map shows drinking fountains in Madrid's districts.

    • The APP allows to get the position in real time of each user, at the same time that the user can interact with the environ . development, so you can see some of the funcionalities by going to the link. Shortly there will be more funcionalities and tools.


      App that allow get a real time position

    • This is a easy but complex example where you can see the huge potntial of Leaflet and D3JS APIs. I have combinated both by obtain one web map with dynamics charts, this chart help the user to understand the associated information.

      Web Mapping & Charting

      Example of Leaflet and D3JS combination

    • Simple but entire example where i show how create a map whit D3.JS

      World Population with D3

      Using D3.JS to create webmaps

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